Importance of Organic Chemistry
The study of CARBON compounds comprises several fields from which the most important are:
Structural Determination Techniques
Design of efficient methods to get complex molecules
Industrial, biological, medical, technological development...
More tha 95% of the known substances are CARBON compounds and more than half of the world chemists call themselves Organic Chemists.
All sustaning life compounds (nucleic acids, proteins, enzimes, hormones, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, etc) are organic substances, i.e. derived from CARBON.
Progress in Organic Chemistry is synonimous to deeper undestanding of vital processes.
The chemical industry (phamaceuticals, pesticides, herbicides, plastics, etc) plays a decisive role in the world economy and in our everyday life with its different products.
Organic Chemistry is intellectually very stimulant because:
It bears a very logical structure
It makes use of plenty logical symbology.
It applies the principle of analogy and deductive reasoning.
The molecules and their processes display an unmistakably artistic content.
All these activities and features would give rise to the following breking news in an imaginary chemical newspaper: